Aug 8, 2008

Wow - read this all bloggers!

I found this on

How blogging less helped my blog
Well it has been some time now since I reduced my blogging frequency. Now, it is time to look at what has been happening since then and if this policy was beneficial for me or should I get back to overwhelming number of posts per week.
In general I am happy with current situation. I think benefits from this move and I really hope that you, the reader do too. There are few areas that I am really happy with the results and I definitely don’t regret decision that I made.
The way I see it is that there is one thing that seems to be worse than before the move and few that make me really happy. What are they? Well, read on.
Only thing that doesn’t make me smile is the number of visitors. Since I used to be posting every day I grew used to more day to day visitors. Since reducing my posting frequency, number of people coming to my blog daily dropped quite a bit. But it is not all that bad since…
I get the feeling that by putting more time and effort into every post I make I get more valuable visits. Let me explain. Although my number of visitors is dropping average time on site is increasing and also, number of page views is getting better. This is something that I am really happy about since my goal is not to gather as many people I can (although it would be nice) but to interest as many people as I can. I prefer one interested visitor to ten random people just scanning my site for a few seconds. So, I count this as a biggest benefit.
Next thing that actually surprised me is the quality of comments I get. Not that there was something wrong with comments I used to get, but I noticed that now I get longer more thought through comments and that is a good thing. Number of comments this site generates is still increasing and if you combine with the fact that number of viewers dropped it seems that even more people are actually commenting. And I am loving that.
As mentioned before I now have more time to invest in both research and other blog related activities. This improved quality of articles. I can tell that by getting more linkbacks from other blogs (meaning more people are finding my posts useful and worth linking to). I also now have time for doing a bit more networking and this really helped with getting more traffic from other sites.
All in all I find my new blogging schedule to be simply more beneficial. It also reduced the pressure of coming up with a good topic every day. I would definitely recommend rethinking blogging schedule to anyone that has enough generated content on site that doesn’t needs to post everyday.

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