Oct 6, 2008

Another great post by: GregWolejko.com

7 things to do while not blogging

How often do you post?
I used to blog five times a week but recently I lowered my posting frequency to around 3. Why? Well it is a topic for a whole new blog post but generally I haven’t had time to deliver top quality posts and since top notch quality is my thing I decided to post less.
What I have gained by doing this? Well, a bit more free time that can be spent on writing better content. I have also gained perspective. What sort of a perspective? When blogging five days a week, process of writing and publishing was taking up around 90% of my time set for blogging. Now I can do all sorts of blog maintenance and still have some time to spare.
And here is the juicy part: What you should do while not blogging?
  • Social network - after my article on making site's prototypes was made popular on digg.com two things happened: I got tons of traffic and I started appreciate digg community having the inside of what are the benefits of getting dugg. Since then I spent more time networking on social sites (Stumbleupon is next on the list) to promote my content and let me tell you I see enormous results from doing it.
  • Visit other bloggers - another thing with having more time is that I can finally go past my RSS reader and actually go the sites I read every day and comment on the posts that have caught my attention. Increase in traffic on my site as a result of this strategy is yet to be seen but seeing this in action on Kacper's site keeps me in optimistic.
  • Catch up with mail - similar thing to the above. Besides commenting on sites I plan to launch direct campaign to promote myself to specific bloggers wishing for some link-love.
    Tinker with your blog - add a little changes to your blog. Maybe another widget? Maybe work on how your posts are displayed? For me top priorities are “Me2.0” page where you will be able to find me on various social networks and “Best Posts” page where I will hand pick my best content for you to see.
  • Redesign your blog - this is a big one. Think if maybe it is a good time to redesign your blog? Add a little spark? Rebrand yourself? I know that GregWolejko.com needs new design and as soon as I will finish my secret project I am working on right now, my focus will be completely directed to making GregWolejko.com shine.
  • Plan - time to set up milestones. No goal is a real goal until it is measurable. It is time to set up a milestone goals for me and focus on reaching them. In my case this will be connected to getting more RSS subscribers and getting more other blogs linking back to me. But that’s only the beginning.
  • Have fun - this will be easy. Have fun. Relax. Get some time to rest and recharge your blogging batteries.

As you can see by getting more spare time I also got more focus points. One can argue if this is a god thing but I know it is. Hopefully soon both you and me will see benefits of my new blogging strategy.
I also hope that my list here helped you a little with setting your own blogging goals…
…or maybe you have other ideas? Something that I’ve missed here? Care to share? I am definitely interested in your opinion.

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